Back Online! ... to pimp out the hubster!
Right now, I want to PIMP my HUBBY!! For all those still reading this feed (those.. two of you) I'm trying to connect with as many of our friends and family as I can to help Mike get as much face time as possible. Mike as you all know, has started his own plaster company Michael Lauer Studios, LLC, and took a really big step (especially for him) and NOMINATED HIMSELF for the Martha Stewart American Made Audience Choice Awards!!!
Now all the contestants/artists have to nominate themselves, and you all know how uncomfortable that kind of think makes Mike. He heard about it, thought about it, decided not to do it, and then changed his mind and went for it! I'm really proud of him and want to support him as best I can.
So. Drum-roll please!!! Check out my amazing man's work (and he does make be-u-t-ful things - as you can see by the kiddo photos below) and vote for him on his American Made Profile Page. You can vote up to 6 times a day and the contest goes through Sept. 22nd 2013.

Now you know if I took the time to log back in and post and update here, we're excited!! And I hope you are too as you check out Mike's work. He really does make beautiful things, all by hand and with an intense amount of dedication and precision.
Ok - on to the kiddos....
Little A-man is now Big A-man and his brother Leo is quickly catching up! As I do laundry, I find it increasingly difficult to figure out whose clothes are whose, as they can often wear the same thing!!
Not sure if A is a shrimp or L is huge - I think it's a combo of both. Here are a couple of pictures to make up for lost time:
Little Man chilling on the Beach - very Zen |
Leo's version of chill |
We took the boys to the Children's Museum, and on the pirate boat they had a jail cell. Aiden wouldn't go in, and I think Leo regretted the fact after he did so.
After his first really big-boy haircut |
And Aiden now loves to get his hair cut professionally - why? Because he get a dum-dum lollipop. Candy. It's what moves him.
They are both growing up really really fast, and yet - there are days when I wonder if they'll ever get out of *insert random stage here* phase. But I love it, and them.
I realize I need more pics of the boys - but they're so full of energy, it's hard to get them to sit still for long enough :)
I hope to post a bit more often, but please take a moment and go vote for Mike!