Pulling it together
Ok, I think I'm done with my pity party of late. It does no good to dwell on it, so ... I've been cleaning, and packing, and cleaning, and trying to get organized. Thanksgiving I'm on my way to SC to be with Mike, house sold or not.
Over the weekend, my housemates and I hit a friends Halloween party, and I pulled out all sorts of boxes and things that I had neatly packed up months ago, assuming I would be in SC before I ever needed them. Oh, how wrong I was. Anyway, we ended up with one bellydancer (moi), a Rastafarian, 70's chica, G.I. Jane, a plumber and a bug. Over all, with about 2 hrs. notice for 3-4 of those costumes, I think we did pretty well! Most of what was pulled out was makeup and jewelry - a couple of necklaces can go pretty far to make a costume perfect. And did you know liquid eyeliner is a great means for making a non-permanent tattoo? I didn't use my camera, so I don't know if i'll get to post pictures of the costumes -
But, I do have pictures of my current projects. I was able to retrieve the pictures from my camera, it turns out it was just a low battery that was holding me back.
First a few more shots of the giraffe -
I wish I had taken more pictures, but I guess I'll have to wait until Gabriella is old enough to actually hold it.
Then the sweater:
First the two front panels:I really like the way the pink shows up against the purple, I think it looks really cute! And I'm pretty happy that both sides look the same - symmentry in a sweater is always a bonus.
Here are the sleeves, I forgot to start with the contrasting color on one but I'm thinking I can add that later with a crochet edge. I'm just hoping it won't make it too long. This is the back, and compared to the front panel, and it's looking a bit small. Hopefully that's because of the stitch holder, or maybe it'll grow with however it's added to the front panels, or the colar or something, I dont' know, I'm just going to keep going and see. Perhaps I''m in denial., but worse case scenario, .. I have to re-knit the back, I'm okay with that.
Next comes seaming - uugh. I don't like doing it, but I think that's because I don't feel I'm very good at it. I've got a book, "All stitched up", that I'm going to look over to get some tips, but let me know if anyone has a better reccommendation for finishing techniques. I may have to hit up some video blogs to check out some good ones.
I do need to get going on the stuffed animal for Gabriella too. I can't believe how quickly the months keep going by. I am amazed that it's already almost November. But that just means I'll be seeing Mike anytime now, and that's good news.
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