enjoying life
I can't believe things are really settling down and we're finally really settling in. I think it's freaking Mike and I out a little bit by not having anything to worry about! But we're definitely enjoying it.
Last weekend for the 4th, we had a couple of friends over and Mike grilled pork for pulled-pork, I made coleslaw from scratch, my 7-layer dip, and they brought macaroni salad and crab cakes. It was wonderful! It felt like a real 4th of July, and the food was really good (although my coleslaw needed some work I'll admit - I think it needed to be spiced up a bit). We also learned a really neat new game called pass the pigs that I think may be popping up in peoples stockings this year - it was definitely a good time.
This weekend our new TV console was delivered - Yea!
We originally went looking for a coffee table and side tables, and both really liked this piece and knew it was meant to be. There was a slight hiccup when the CD player didn't quite fit in, but it just ended up on top.
As far as my knitting goes, I've decided I need to be more focused. On my needles currently I have 3-4 projects, which is typical, but I don't feel as if I'm getting anywhere with them, and I think it's because I don't have a goal or deadline motivating me. Two of the projects are for me. The Calla tank and the mobius wrap. I also have one bootie waiting to be seamed and half a hat. I just need to acknowledge what is and isn't going to happen.
The other issue is I have quite a few family and friends who are getting ready to pop with new bambino's that I need to start/finish projects for. Today I'm going through my cue and my stash and putting together a list of which items I want to knit for each of the baby-mommas, and seeing what I have time for. Then all others will be put aside while I whip these out. I think it'll do me some good to put the others down for a while. Here's where I am with all my UFO's.
1. The hat - Not going to be finished anytime soon due to lack of wool. I don't have the another ball of the yarn. I did at one point but it's gone - lost into the abyss of travel and moving. I either need to see if anyone on Ravelry has another ball in the same dye-lot, or as I thought of last night, find a complimentary color and finish it as a two color hat, which just might work - but not right now.
2. The EK booties - It needs to go - and I need to focus on a different pattern and come back to this one. This was supposed to be one of the quick projects for the prego folks and it's not working, and I just don't have the time right now to figure it out. Shame. It's really cute.
3. The Mobius wrap -
I think it's going to be my 'social knitting'. I know the pattern well enough that I can do this while talking or whatever, and not mess up or have to concentrate on the pattern. Plus and it's just a matter of length/width in determining when I'll finish, so it'll continue when I have mind-less or multi-tasking-knitting time, probably until I get through this ball.
4. The Calla - I was eliminating and moving some of the eyelets on this tank because I felt it was a little too showy for my figure, and I decided to knit it in the round. That means I had to do a little pattern adaptation, which on my first attempt wasn't working very well. It only took about 6" into the tank to realize this. I tried to fix it by dropping down the section of cabling that wasn't working, but that was taking too long to fix so I just casted on again and started from scratch. I know that seems a bit ridiculous, but it's really faster this way. Just rip it out and start over.
Now that I've taken a bunch of pictures, I'll be updating my Ravelry page too, and maybe even changing the project bars on the side to included pictures too - but it depends on how adventures I feel today.
1 comment:
Your WIPs are looking good. Love the pattern on the wrap. I've been interested in doing a stole in the same stitch pattern. Has to wait though until I finish my WIPs.
Your TV console is lovely!
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