Wednesday, September 26, 2007


My friend's dad died yesterday. We knew it was coming, cancer - brain tumor, but it still sucks. You can plan, and prepare and try to be strong, but when it hits it always knocks you out flat. Even though it's been over 5 yrs. since both my parents passed, I still don't know what to say except, it sucks and 'I'm sorry you had to join the club'.

I was able to clear my schedule and am heading down to KY to see her for the weekend. I wish I could stay longer, but I know right now she'll have plenty of support. In fact, it'll probably be a bit smothering for her - in a good way. It's the later part I worry about. I know people say it gets easier with time, but sometimes it's the time that makes things harder. 4 or 5 weeks or months or even years down the road, everyone elses lives have gone back to normal and you're still wondering when the big hole in your life is going to be filled.

With my life being so up in the air, I don't know when I'm going to be able to visit her again in person, so I'm really glad I'm getting to visit her now. I just wish there was some way I could make this easier for her.

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