Pictures, tid-bits and Charleston Sn'B
I just realized that I forgot to put up pictures of the beautiful scarf that my Home-town Sn'B made me - details here. I've been wearing it about the house to keep the chill off. It's not actually cold-cold here, but in the mornings and in the evenings it can get a bit chilly and the scarf does the trick perfectly.
Let me know if you want to know who made each square. I made some feeble attempts at guessing when they gave it to me, and got about half of them right.
Last night I went to the Sn'B closest to me in Charleston at a store called Knit. They had tons and tons of beautiful yarn and great books. I wondered around for a bit, but then had to sit down before I let temptation run away with me. I'm trying to do stash-project knitting only right now. And/or buy project-induced stash only. Meaning I have to have a project for which I need the yarn, and I can't already have something close in my stash. I feel like I have so much yarn I'm not using as is. It makes me feel more accomplished when I know I've used a bit of what I have. It's like clearing up your email list. I hate having unread messages staring at me. If I can take care of them one by one I feel better. Same with the yarn, I use up what I have for a particular project, it's nice to 'cross it off the list'. We talked a bit last night about stash size and sash envy. I think for me it's people who have a project in mind for all the yarn they have. Or only have a small stash that they've acquired from projects they've worked on. Then again.... it is nice to have yarn in your stash already when you see a project you want to work on and a lot of the yarn I have and am using comes from great buys... *shrug*
The people there were very nice, a couple recognized me from ravelry. They actually gave me a great idea for what to do with my foliage hat that was way off gauge - I'm going to try it first, and then I'll post about how it went. It was a little weird to sit down where I knew no one, and I know that'll change as I go more often, but it made me miss my Chicago groups, and more aware of how a newbie feels walking in the door.I started a pair of fetchings, but I don't think I'll have the yarn to finish them (see, this is where using from your stash doesn't work!). Maybe I'll make each pair in a different color... with same color accents...hmm... I'll let you know. I'm using Lambs Pride in aztec - I just love this color.
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