in DC, VA, at the smithsonian and the zoo
Here are some more pictures from my weekend. First my brother and his little girl - I love the socks! Wish I could say I knit them, but I'm not that talented.... yet!
The Christening:
The Godparents:
All together:
From the Smithsonian, we have the family shot of my cousins - monkey included, as my uncle would say: Then the went to the National Zoo - for the sole purpose of seeing the pandas. It was raining out so they were inside and we got to see all 3. In the pictures they look fake, but the way they were going at their food - they were real and really hungry!
I almost took a picture of all the teenagers taking pictures of the pandas with their cell phones. I'm not sure why, but it really made me laugh to see all the kids with their phones high up in the air and the parents crouched down low with their cameras. I was entertained.
The girls of course were looking fashionable and cool as they posed for me in front of the lion in a rare moment of no rain:
I really can't believe how big and grown up they've gotten. Last time I saw them was 3 yrs ago at my brothers wedding. We've decided we've got to get together more often. But I did show Katari how to crochet while I was there! Now we just have to get her some of her own supplies - I will be the enabler.
Here we have the girls with dad:
The girls with mom:
And the shot her mother never thought she'd see.....
Sabrina with the baby!
Beautiful. They're all just beautiful. It was a really nice weekend.
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