reflecting on 2008
Welcome 2009! and Goodbye to 2008.
I think 2009 came so fast that it zipped into place before we were even aware it was here! At least that's the way it felt. Both Mike and I have been going full steam for the past few weeks, and it's nice to finally have some time to just ... sit... and be and reflect on the last moments of 2008.
We drove to KY for the Christmas holidays and saw lots and lots of people and lots and lots of babies! Some new arrivals that we hadn't seen in weeks or months: baby Claire and her brother William
baby Gabriel - yes, he is wearing the hat I made him (yeah!) and his bib says "My dad is cooler than your dad" - I just love it!
Others we hadn't seen in a few years!
Like sisters Georgia and Vivian
or Brothers
Gabe and Andrew
(I missed snapping a picture of the other brother Nicholas - Gabe's twin)
and brother/sister duo
Carsen and Keegan
Of course I also got to see my 'baby' brother: who liked his new hat and it fit -yeah!
I also finished a scarf for my FIL and some dishcloths' for my MIL:
My MIL really made some beautiful gifts this year though. I loved them all, so I can't say which are my favorite, but they were for her grandkids, my nieces and nephews - she's so so talented, I just had to brag about them.
First there are the 2 gorilla's she made for each of the boys - each one with it's own personality - which matched the boys really well!
The one on the left is Andrew's and the right is Jacob's
There was a beautiful Octopus for Mike's niece Olivia
and a great topsy-turvy 'babydoll' for Claire:
And awake:
It's so so cute! It makes me want to make a knitted one, so I've been searching for patterns and have found a few. It's on my 2009 list.
There were so many things I just didn't have the time to make and do, but that's what a new year is for eh?
I was reading a blog post that instead of asking what you had planned for 2009 (which I'll do in another post) asked what you had accomplished and did right in 2008! I thought this was a wonderful way to start the new year. Why think about all the resolutions we didn't do, but focus on what we did right. So...
my reflections on what I did right in 2008
In 2008, I, (and my hubby) sold a house, and moved across the country to a new place neither of us had lived before, to start a new dream. There were times, when things didn't look so good, and we were apart, but we worked together and worked through them, all for the better.
My motto: It'll all work out in the end - if it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
In 2008, I found a job - that I like! and works for what Mike and I need to support us while he's in school. And I'm doing well, having gotten a promotion already and enjoy my company and job.
In 2008, I have given/thrown away/gotten rid of let go of many things that no longer hold value to me, but I was holding on to for the wrong reasons. This one was hard and I know I have more to do, but it feels good to let go sometimes. Goodbye old bedroom set, may you serve some child well.
In 2008, I made some beautiful knitted heirlooms that I am really proud of - (the baptism gown, and baby sweaters this one and this one for sure) and gave some great baby gifts that I really enjoyed as well.
In 2008, I finished some old UFOs and have been using my stash yarn and more often buying yarn for projects rather than buying the yarn and then finding a project.
In 2008, I've found and kept up with new friends via the blog, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but facebook too ;)
In 2008 we were able to see lots of family and friends, we are happy and healthy and holding our own in this economy! Yeah for 2008!!!
Sounds like you had a full year. I homeschooled my son, learned how to weave, learned how to design knitted bracelets, and make soap, and candles. It was a fun year.
Nice reflection on the year gone. I appreciate being able to do that. Thanks for entering my contest, too.
PS I lived in Kentucky, south of Lex, for about 10 years! I think it is 2nd most beautiful state I have lived in, right next to where I live now, which is Colorado.
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